Home Visits

Click here to request a home visit

We offer a home visiting service in certain circumstances. If you qualify for a home visit, you should try and ensure that your visit request is made before 11 am. This is because it allows the Doctor to plan his or her visiting schedule. Once we have received your visit request, a Doctor will call you back to take more details.

Please note, home visits are only provided in the following circumstances: 

  • Where your medical condition would be made worse by you attending the surgery or,
  • You have a condition that limits your ability to interact with people outside your own home (such as a social phobia).

Whilst our guidance above appear restrictive, it is important to note that we have your health as our primary concern. It is likely that the worse your health problem makes you feel, the more it is likely that we will need to use medical equipment to help assess your condition. Our Doctors are restricted in the type of equipment they can carry to your home. So it is always better, where medically possible to attend the surgery.

We understand that patients can have transportation or mobility difficulties. However, unless you are truly housebound this may not be sufficient to secure a home visit. This is because our home visits are assessed on medical need only, and we really do offer a more comprehensive service on site!

Non-urgent advice: Notice

A doctor will visit you if he/she agrees it to be necessary. The doctor may decide that your problem could be attended to at the surgery. In this case you will only be seen if you come to the surgery. Doctors do not have to visit at home unless there is a medical need.

Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients in the Health Centre