Patient Feedback – Friends and Family Test – April 2024

Posted by: lindsaygollin - Posted on:

Every month, we ask a selection of patients about their last appointment and also give them an opportunity to tell us more about their experience. In April, 130 patients gave us feedback. We are delighted that 79% of patients had a good or very good experience, finding our staff warm, helpful and considerate.

For those patients who were unhappy, the feedback was almost unanimous about the difficulty in getting through on the phones or making an appointment. We launched the new Appointment Hub in May and we hope, once the new system has settled, that there is a feeling that things have improved. We have already seen a dramatic improvement in the number of calls we have been able to answer. We are grateful that so many patients who can go online, are already helping free up the telephone lines for those who need the support of our Reception team.

FFT April 2024 Graph